In 2017, in the absence of serious efforts to regulate the real estate industry by the government of Costa Rica, CRGAR has decided to take responsibility for monitoring the real estate environment in the country. As an unlicensed, professional real estate environment, there are instances of Trademark Violations, False Claims of Credentials, Ethical Violations, Illegal Activity by Foreign Realtors, as well as Clients of Concern. CRGAR will monitor public promotions, social media posts, emails, and websites for instances needing attention. CRGAR will also encourage members, colleagues, and the public, to report such situations for investigation, as the scope of monitoring will include any person or business offering real estate services in Costa Rica, not just CRGAR members.
CRGAR has established procedures for investigating and evaluating inappropriate activity, as above, and will apply them in all cases of which we are made aware. Once found to be acting improperly in Costa Rica, persons and businesses will be given the option to remedy the situation in a reasonable time with CRGAR’s assistance, if possible. Failing to cooperate will result in their case being posted to this website for internet visitors to see and evaluate for themselves. The simple existence of the CRGAR Professional Enforcement List will be promoted on the internet and social media resources of CRGAR and to allied associations. As the first of its kind in the world, it is likely to be the subject of news coverage within the real estate industry, as well.
CRGAR will be working with NAR, particularly in the areas of Trademark Enforcement and False Claims of Credentials, as their BI-Lateral partner in Costa Rica.
Click Here to Send CRGAR Your Professional Concern
Examples include
Trademark Violations – Use of logos, trademarks, and names to which the violator has no right. If you have logos or trademarks you wish to protect, record them on the National Registry as your exclusive property, or at least officially document your first use of them in business to defend yourself later.
False Claims of Credentials – Claims of designations or memberships which are not currently active. If you have completed training programs or been a member of a group in the past, you may not claim either as current without keeping them paid to date. Pay to keep designations current and memberships active now.
Ethics Violations – Any professional misconduct confirmed as a violation of NAR’s standards of professional conduct. Plaintiffs must be willing to provide evidence and sign a written complaint for the ethics investigation process to start.
Illegal Business Activity by Foreign Realtors – Doing business within Costa Rica without the proper legal working status, or partners required by law, and compliance with the tax rules of the country. If you spot a foreign realtor promotion of a Costa Rica listing, from outside of Costa Rica, send the link to CRGAR.
Clients of Concern – Individuals or businesses, acting as real estate clients in an unethical, illegal, tax-avoiding, or generally troublesome manner. As a service to your colleagues, send a summary of the situation and the client’s contact information to CRGAR. We will be promoting the fact that this effort includes client behavior, as well.
CRGAR welcomes your comment, cooperation, and assistance, in this monitoring effort.