Professional Education:
CRGAR Seminars
CRGAR Institutes – CIPS
Training Overview:
CRGAR Certified REALTOR® Training
CRGAR offers its official training classes for Certified Realtor members twice each calendar year, usually April and November/December. Regular locations include Flamingo and Jaco. The classes are taught in English by Costa Rican attorneys from ecija.com/en/abogados/mercedes-sancho/.
All CRGAR-Certified Realtor members are required to take the classes, their first time, within 6 months of initial acceptance. All current CRGAR-Certified Realtor members are required to retake the classes every 5 years, as content and industry knowledge is updated. Classes require 2 full, consecutive days of attendance. (Curriculum may be updated each year, and may add to the attendance requirement)
CRGAR will offer the next session of required classes twice each calendar year in English and Spanish. Send your interest in being added to the waiting list to crgarrealtors@gmail.com. Class fees will be announced with the final schedule.
Required CRGAR REALTOR® classes include:
Day One
Module 1 – Types of Property and Real Estate Rights
Concession (ZMT, Use Permits, Concessions, Papagayo), Fee Simple, Co-Ownership, Fractionals, Condos, Collateral for Real Estate
Module 2 – General Regulatory Framework
Plan Regulador, Uso de Suelo, Easements and Limitations, Environmental Laws, Water, Agencies (INVU, SETENA, CIMAT, Municipalities)
Module 3 – Legal/Judicial Update – New Changes
New Tax Fraud Law (Shareholders Registry, Vacation Sales Tax), Corporation Tax Returns, Minority Shareholder Protections, Cap on Yearly Rent Increases, Minimum Building Permit Threshold – $6,000+
Module 4 – Condominium Law
Overview, Ownership, Types and Features, Legal Framework, Creation/Recording, Regulation (CCRs), Transfer of Property, Pros/Cons
Module 5 – Using the Registro Publico, Other Online Resources
Overview, Structure, Finding Property or Plano, Search Methods (Folio Real Number, Catastro Number, Ownership Corp and Cedula, Owner’s Personal Name and Cedula (Bring Your Computer to Explore the Registro Publico During this Module)
Day Two
Module 6 – Lease Law
Types of Leases, Lease Agreement, Eviction
Module 7 – Contracts
Definition/Characteristics, Elements, Fulfillment, Dispute Resolution, Remedies, Relevant/Abusive Clauses, Warranties, Escrow/SUGEF, Purchase Offers, Conveyance Deed
Module 8 – Real Estate Taxes
Sales Tax, Fiscal Stamp Tax, Luxury Tax, Property Tax, Municipal Tax, Transfer Tax, Capital Gains, Pass-through (US), Closing Costs
Module 9 – Residency/Immigration
Relation to Real Estate, Approaches, Types of Residency, Rights/Restrictions, Citizenship
Module 10 – Real Estate Agency – Legal/Ethical Duties
Ethics (Simplified) Curriculum, Laws vs Morals vs Ethics (practical cases), CRGAR/NAR Code of Professional Conduct (Disclosure, Dual Agency), Listing Agreements
CRGAR Seminars
In addition to our program of required and elective classes, CRGAR offers seminars in areas of professional interest. These may be held in a classroom setting, or arranged privately. Currently, we offer an Immigration Overview and instruction in the use of the Costa Rica MLS. Please send your interest to crgarrealtors@gmail.com.
CRGAR Institutes – CIPS
Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) is a special designation of the National Association of Realtors (NAR) in the United States. It is an indication of your professional commitment to understand and pursue international real estate business from wherever you choose to work. CRGAR is proud to be one of the few international sponsors of a CIPS Training Institute each year, as a Bi-Lateral Partner of NAR.
CRGAR’s 2022 Institute’s offering is scheduled for September 27th, 2022 – October 1st, 2022 (with an area Familiarization Day on September 26th, 2022), in Flamingo, Costa Rica. CRGAR adds to the CIPS curriculum by welcoming lunch speakers covering a variety of topics related to living, working, and investing in Costa Rica, as well as guided tours of properties and developments in the area. You will also be given chances to network with CRGAR members.
Extend your stay on either side of the institute dates to enjoy a “CIPS Designation Vacation!” CRGAR will help you plan your trip!
2022 Brochure is Available: Download CIPS 2022 Brochure to see overview of typical program.