CRGAR maintains relationships with other associations to further the goals of building global business and maintaining professional standards.
National Association of REALTORS – NAR (USA) – CRGAR has been a Bi-Lateral Partner of NAR since CRGAR’s inception in 2001. As the world’s largest and most evolved realtor association, NAR sets the global standards for most activities and relationships in the real estate industry. Each year it makes significant outreach efforts to the world’s other real estate associations and individual realtors to offer training, data, experience, and events, to fulfill its mission.
CRGAR is one of dozens of global real estate associations allied with NAR as a Bi-Lateral Partner. This relationship allows CRGAR members to become NAR members at favorable rates, while allowing CRGAR to utilize NAR resources and standards in pursuit of its goals in Costa Rica.
CILA – Latin American Real Estate Association – CRGAR is a member of a relatively new “association of real estate associations” for Latin American countries. With 19 member countries, CILA hopes to foster international business, referrals, and professional growth in Latin America. It is also closely aligned with NAR.